
Aldagi Life Image
Aldagi Life Image


A positive working environment, high qualifications, team spirit, and love for work unite us and form the foundation of our 33-year history in the insurance industry.
At Aldagi, we understand the responsibility that comes with industry leadership. We create an environment where individuals can fully express their abilities and personal and professional qualities.


Employee of the company


Satisfied employee


Comfortable and friendly environment

Brand Values

These are the principles we rely on in both our internal and external relations. They are values we never betray and by which we measure our behavior.

Satisfied customer

Satisfied customer

We prioritize proactive communication with our customers, always act in their best interests, and maintain fairness and transparency in our processes. At Aldagi, every customer is valued, and we strive to meet their expectations and maintain their trust through direct and open communication
Work Environment

Work Environment

According to Aldagi's internal policy, the company continually promotes a healthy corporate culture and working environment. Our experience shows that continuous and honest employee care is essential. With approximately 500 employees, Aldagi remains one of the most employee-oriented companies in Georgia
Happy employee

Happy employee

An employee is a constant value at Aldagi. Therefore, we have implemented various mechanisms to support our team, foster their professional growth, maintain a positive work environment, and boost motivation


According to our vision, Aldagi's success is determined by teamwork, continuous development, and a commitment to improvement. This vision has been the cornerstone of our long-term success. We strive to find ways to impact teamwork and employee motivation positively
We are not afraid of honesty

We are not afraid of honesty

გვჯერა, რომ მხოლოდ გულწრფელობა წარმოშობს ნდობას, რომელიც გონების სიმშვიდის აუცილებელი კომპონენტია. ადამიანების გაუცნობიერებელ შიშებს მათთან ერთად რეალისტურად ვაფასებთ და შემთხვევის დადგომის ალბათობასაც პრაგმატულად ვუზიარებთ.
We make decisions

We make decisions

გვჯერა, რომ ადამიანს, მხოლოდ მშვიდი გონებით შეუძლია ემოციების მართვა. სწორედ მშვიდი გონება და დაზღვევისადმი საქმიანი, რეალისტური მიდგომა გვაქცევს სანდო პარტნიორად ადამიანებისა და ბიზნესებისთვის.


Contact us anytime

Head Office

Davit Agmashenebeli Avenue No. 66a. Tbilisi, 0131, Georgia

Working Hours

10:00 - 18:00


+995 322 444 999

