Life and critical illness insurance

Life and critical illness insurance

Get life insurance for your family's peace of mind. Critical illness insurance will protect you even in the most challenging situations

Life and critical illness insurance Covers:

სიმსივნე cancer
ინფარქტი Heart Attack
ინსულტი Stroke
აორტის დაავადებების ქირურგიული მკურნალობა Surgical Treatment of Aortic Diseases
ალცჰაიმერის დაავადება Alzheimer's Disease
პარკინსონის დაავადება Parkinson's Disease
ბაქტერიული მენინგიტი Bacterial Meningitis
გულის სარქველის ტრანსპლანტაცია Heart Valve Transplantation
მძიმე დამწვრობა Severe Burns
კომა Coma
თირკმლის უკმარისობა Kidney Failure
სასიცოცხლო ორგანოების ტრანსპლანტაცია Transplantation of Vital Organs
ენცეფალიტი Encephalitis
პოლიომიელიტი Poliomyelitis
სრული, მუდმივი შრომისუუნარობა Complete, Permanent Disability
თავის ტვინის ტრავმული დაზიანება Traumatic Brain Injury

With life and critical illness insurance, you can ensure financial security and peace of mind for you and your family in unexpected life situations, starting from just 5 GEL per month.

Life and Critical Illness Insurance Includes:

  • Life Insurance

Provides financial security for the insured's family in the event of the insured's death.

  • Critical Illness Insurance

Offers financial support to the insured in case of a diagnosis of a critical illness.

Life Insurance

What is Life Insurance?

Life insurance guarantees the full payment of the insurance amount upon the insured person's death, providing financial support for their family.

How is the Money Requested?

The beneficiary can request the amount in the event of the insured's death.

How is the Payment Made?

The amount is paid in full to the beneficiary named in advance at the time of signing the policy.

Critical Illness Insurance

This product provides a lump sum payment in the case of a critical illness.

Additional Benefits

  • Fixed Price

With life and critical illness insurance, you pay a fixed amount for a long-term policy, regardless of changes in age.

  • Child Insurance for Free

With life and critical illness insurance, you can insure minor children at no additional cost.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

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Other Than Exceptions, What Else Should I Consider?

Survival Period and Waiting Period should be considered.

Survival Period: The essence of Critical Illness Insurance is to provide financial benefits upon diagnosis of a critical illness. To receive these benefits, a certain period must pass after the diagnosis of each covered disease.

Waiting Period: A waiting period of 90 days will be activated upon purchasing the insurance. No compensation will be provided for incidents occurring during this period. However, the waiting period does not apply to accidents defined as injuries to a body resulting from the impact of unexpected, visible, external forces.

A 90-day waiting period is activated upon purchasing the insurance. No compensation will be given for incidents occurring during this period. The waiting period does not apply to accidents, defined as deaths caused by sudden, visible, external forces.

How Are Funds Requested and Received?

If a doctor diagnoses you with a critical illness, you must notify us within 24 hours. The benefit amount will be credited to your personal bank account in one lump sum within 10 days after the diagnosis is confirmed and the survival period has expired.

How is Critical Illness Insurance Different from Health Insurance?

Health insurance reimburses only the costs incurred directly for treatment. In contrast, critical illness insurance provides a lump sum payment that you can spend as you wish.

What is Critical Illness Insurance?

Critical illness insurance is a type of insurance that provides a lump sum payment in the event of a critical illness diagnosis.

How Are Funds Requested and Received?

The benefit amount can be requested by the heir or a previously named beneficiary. The funds will be credited to their account within 10 days after the confirmation of death.

How is Life Insurance Different from Critical Illness Insurance?

Life insurance provides a sum of money in case of death, while critical illness insurance gives you a lump sum during your lifetime if you are diagnosed with a critical illness.

I Can't Decide Which Insurance to Buy, Life or Critical Illness. What Do You Recommend?

As insurance experts, we recommend considering both types of insurance, as they complement each other. For example, if you only have critical illness insurance and the illness results in death during the survival period, your family may be left without financial support. To address this, you have the option of purchasing combined insurance. The advantage of this product is that you will pay less than if you purchased the two coverages separately.

How Much Does This Insurance Cost?

Generally, the younger you are, the less money you will have to pay. However, the cost also depends on the chosen insurance limit. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase insurance as early as possible and opt for a multi-year policy to avoid paying increased fees as you get older.

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